To improve the business and innovation climate in the region, Compete Caribbean approves new projects aimed at preparing Caribbean businesses to take advantages of global trends and best practices.
The new projects include:
Digitalization of processes for construction permits in Antigua and Barbuda
The objective of this operation is to implement a digitized system for obtaining construction permits to facilitate a reduction in the number of processes, time and costs involved for firms in Antigua and Barbuda. The project will support the business re-engineering and design for a new Electronic Permitting System including hardware acquisition and training. Additionally, the project will support the drafting of revised regulations/legislation to support a new system.
For more information visit:
Project Page
Project Document
To learn more about our partner organization please visit:
Development Control Authority (DCA) of Antigua and Barbuda
Improved business registration in St. Vincent & the Grenadines
The objective of this program is to promote the development of SMEs through strengthening the institutional capacity of the Commerce and Intellectual Property Office (CIPO) of Saint Vincent and the Grenadines to support business registration. The recently approved program seeks to lower transaction costs for SMEs by improving business registration and enabling CIPO to utilize the full capacity of its electronic registry. The project will support the development of an E-Government Solution including design and delivery of training using approaches that are inclusive and gender sensitive.
For more information visit:
Project Page
Project Document
To learn more about our partner organization please visit:
Commerce and Intellectual Property Office (CIPO) of Saint Vincent and the Grenadines
Institutional strengthening to improve business climate in Grenada
The program will provide support to three public sector institutions that have important roles in implementing a reform agenda to strengthen and enable the business environment in Grenada. The program will support design and implementation of a SMART action plan that entails development of a system for monitoring, reporting on, and driving accountability for business climate reforms at the Ministry of Health, Social Security & International Business, specifically at the International Business Unit. Additionally, the assistance will upgrade technology and expand training for business registration services at the Corporate Affairs and Intellectual Property Office (CAIPO). Finally, the project seeks to improve customs procedures related to trading across borders, and improve the staff’s skills in areas important to improving client satisfaction at the Grenada Customs and Excise Division.
For more information visit:
Project Page
Project Document
To learn more about our partner organizations please visit:
Ministry of Health, Social Security & International Business
Corporate Affairs and Intellectual Property Office
Grenada Customs and Excise Division
Modernization of business support processes in Saint Lucia
The objective of the project is to support the implementation of a business climate reform agenda that create an enabling environment for SMEs in St. Lucia. The project will address the underutilization of the online tax payment system; revise the framework for protecting minority interest; and improve enforcing contracts by promoting increased use of alternative dispute resolution; and increasing the level of automation in Saint Lucia’s commercial court.
For more information visit:
Project Page
Project Document
To learn more about our partner organizations please visit:
Inland Revenue Department
Easter Caribbean Supreme Court