Compete Caribbean Approves Three New Projects to Improve Business and Innovation Climate in the Region

The three projects include:

Capacity Building for Barbados in Alternative Dispute Resolution Systems 
On June 4th , 2018, the Inter-American Development Bank through the Compete Caribbean Partnership Facility approved the Technical Corporation (TC) “Capacity Building for Barbados in Alternative Dispute Resolution Systems” in the amount USD200,000.
The objective of the TC will be to improve the service delivery of Arbitration and Mediation Services in Barbados thereby reducing the burden of commercial disputes on the existing legal system. As such, the project will support the establishment of a framework that will reduce the time taken for settlements to be reached in the enforcement of contracts and the resolution of business disputes and contribute to making Barbados a regional hub for Alternative Dispute Resolution. The project will be executed in partnership with the Arbitration and Mediation court of the Caribbean.
Project page
Project document
Partner organization: Arbitration and Mediation court of the Caribbean 

Leveraging Digital Technology for Improving the Business Climate in Belize 
On May 24th, 2018 the Inter-American Development Bank through the Compete Caribbean Partnership Facility approved the Technical Corporation (TC) “Leveraging Digital Technology for Improving the Business Climate in Belize” in the amount USD220,000.
The project will finance a mobile-friendly, feasible technological solution to streamline business processes and improve data sharing among government agencies.  Improved intra-agency communication will not only result in reduced processing time but will also support open data initiatives via dynamic and secure sharing of content and data between entities, approved users, and applications. The project will be executed in partnership with Belize Economic Development Council.
Project page
Project document
Partner organization: Belize Economic Development Council 

Competitiveness Agenda & Action Plan for Saint Lucia
On June 8th, 2018 , the Inter-American Development Bank through the Compete Caribbean Partnership Facility approved the Technical Corporation (TC) “Saint Lucia Competitiveness Agenda & Action Plan” in the amount of USD200,000.
The purpose of this TC will be foster competitiveness, productivity and innovation in the St. Lucia. This will be done in the following ways: (i) building the capacity of key institutions such as NCPC and Department of Innovation; (ii) defining a Competitiveness Agenda that reflects consensus between public, private and civil society actor on activities that can foster sustainable economic growth; (iii) the implementation business climate reforms coming out (ii). The project will be executed in partnership with the National Competitiveness and Productivity Council.
Project page
Project document
Partner organization: National Competitiveness and Productivity Council

To learn more about Compete Caribbean Projects please visit our website by clicking here 


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