Jamaican Ornamental Fish Project Building Bridges

The Jamaica Urban Ornamental Fish Cluster funded by Compete Caribbean consists of approximately 170 relatively small, mostly home-based aquaculture farms located primarily in urban communities in Kingston, St. Andrew, St. Catherine and Clarendon.

It is led by The Competitiveness Company (TCC), a not-for-profit social enterprise based in Kingston that has been its main driver, marketer and advocate over at least the past five years. Objective: To promote the Jamaica Ornamental fish Cluster’s ability to efficiently deliver quality ornamental aquatic products to international buyers, at competitive market prices.

Through technical assistance from Compete Caribbean, the TCC was able to achieve:

  • Exported approximately 25,000 fish, including to buyers in a new market (Canada);
  • Entire value chain has completed training on standards, fish health and nutrition by globally recognized experts in the field;
  • Mortality rate of export fish has declined significantly;
  • Data collection and management system is now in use, with field staff having been trained in the use of the system and the tablets;
  • Completed design of the export (nexus) facility

Take a trip to Jamaica and the world of the ornamental fish farmer . . . Click here to watch the video

Compete Caribbean is a private sector development program that provides technical assistance grants and investment funding to support productive development policies, business climate reforms, clustering initiatives and Small and Medium Size Enterprise (SME) development activities in the Caribbean region. The program, jointly funded by the Inter-American Development Bank (IDB), Canada, and the United Kingdom Department for International Development (DFID), supports projects in 15 Caribbean countries. Projects in the OECS countries are implemented in partnership with the Caribbean Development Bank.


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