Call for Project Concepts: Enhancing Climate-Smart, Gender-Responsive Public Governance in the Caribbean

About The Call

Compete Caribbean+ is looking for innovative and transformative projects aimed at enhancing government and regulatory capabilities to foster climate-smart, gender-responsive business practices and promote inclusive growth in the Caribbean region.

Proposed projects should focus on strengthening public regulatory and policy frameworks and institutional capacities to enable climate-smart and inclusive private sector growth.

Selected projects will receive technical assistance and grant funding for implementation.



What Are We Looking For?

  • Solve Real Challenges: Projects should address critical bottlenecks in governance, regulation, or institutional capacity that hinder private-sector climate action, gender equity, and economic growth.
  • Incorporate Innovation: Solutions should be creative, forward-thinking, and capable of driving transformative change in the private sector.
  • Promote Inclusivity: Initiatives must integrate gender-responsive approaches and foster participation from vulnerable and marginalized communities.
  •  Support Climate Resilience: Projects should include strategies to enhance climate adaptation, mitigation, and sustainability practices.
  • Promote Competitiveness: Projects should incentivize and empower the private sector to engage in climate action and/or adopt sustainable business practices that increases its competitiveness.

This Call for Projects aims to support initiatives that strengthen public governance linked to stimulating sustainability practices and climate action by the private sector, as well as promoting gender-responsive inclusive growth.

Who Can Apply?

Eligible applicants include: (i) national governmental institutions and line ministries; (ii) national quasi-government Agencies and Business Support Organizations (BSOs); and (iii) national and regional organizations and business entities in partnership with member Governments.

  • All proposed projects must be led by a public sector entity (government or quasi-government agency, as in eligible applicants above).
  • For regional projects, the lead entity may be Regional Agencies acting in collaboration with and on behalf of project beneficiary countries.
  • Project concepts can include partnerships with the private sector, NGOs, academic institutions and other non-government institutions.

Evaluation Criteria

The projects will be evaluated according to the following criteria:
1. Relevance and Alignment – 20%
2. . Innovation and Impact – 20%
3. Feasibility and Sustainability – 25%
4. Execution Arrangements and Institutional Capacity – 20%
5. Gender and Social Inclusion – 15%


Projects selected against the above evaluation criteria will receive the following awards:
1. Technical Assistance
• Selected project concepts will receive support from a professional consultant/firm to refine and develop the concept into a comprehensive Project Proposal, as needed.
2. Grant Awards
• These project proposals will receive Non-reimbursable technical assistance of up to US$200,000 (up to 80% of the total proposed project budget)
Note: The lead agency/project partners are expected to contribute at least 20% of the total proposed project budget (cash or in-kind (e.g. staff time, equipment, facilities)).

How To Apply:

  1. Complete the Online Form:
    • Apply Here.
    • Download, complete, and upload these required documents via the application form:

Optional attachments to upload include:
• Any documentation or photos that may facilitate understanding.

Deadline for Submission: February 28th, 2025


  • Launch of Call: Jan. 14, 2025
  • Information Session: Jan. 14, 2025
  • Individual Country Engagements: Jan. 15-31, 2025
  • Application Clinic: Feb. 12, 2025
  • Deadline to submit Project Concepts: Feb. 28, 2025
  • Expected announcement of selected Project Concepts: Mar. 31, 2025
  • Technical Assistance for Project Proposal Development: Apr. – Jun. 2025
  • Approval of Projects and Kick Off: September – Dec. 2025

(*) Countries can reach out to the CC+ team for support and guidance before Feb 21, 2025


What Are We Looking For?

The purpose of this Call for Proposals is to identify and support initiatives that enhance government and regulatory capabilities to foster climate-smart and gender-responsive business practices in the Caribbean. Through this call, CC+ will deliver Technical Assistance to solve regulatory and institutional capacity bottlenecks aimed at strengthening public governance to drive climate resilience, inclusive growth, and support climate action and competitiveness by the private sector.

Project Concepts should be aligned to one or more of the following CC+ priorities:

I. Strengthen Public Governance
• To incentivize and empower the private sector to engage in climate action and/or adopt sustainable business practices that increases its competitiveness.
• To draft, enhance and/or support the implementation of gender-responsive, climate-related legislations, regulations, policies and supporting frameworks to promote competitiveness and climate action by businesses.

II. Build & Enhance Institutional Capacity
• To enhance institutional capacity to formulate, implement and monitor climate-related policies that influence/intersect with private sector development, including those that comply with their Nationally Determined Contribution (NDC) commitments or National Adaptation Plans (NAPs).
• To enhance knowledge and awareness of Gender Equity and Social Inclusion strategies for policymakers involved in climate governance to help them develop, implement and better participate in socially inclusive climate change governance mechanisms and solutions that also stimulate private sector development.

III. Develop and Implement Climate-Smart Actions and Action Plans
⦁ To develop and implement plans that support climate action and the net-zero transition by the private sector and identify private sector partnerships for implementation;
⦁ To design and promote incentives to support new Blue/Green innovations and sectors including to foster new green skills and market opportunities;
• To empower policy makers to better lead and advocate for socially inclusive climate change governance mechanisms and mitigation/ adaptation solutions that intersect with private sector development.

Who Can Participate?

Eligibility Criteria

  • Eligible Countries: Antigua and Barbuda, The Bahamas, Barbados, Belize, Dominica, Grenada, Guyana, Jamaica, Saint. Lucia, St. Kitts and Nevis, Saint Vincent and the Grenadines, Suriname, and Trinidad & Tobago.

Who Can Apply

  • Eligible applicants include: (i) national governmental institutions and line ministries; (ii) national quasi-government Agencies and Business Support Organizations (BSOs); and (iii) national and regional organizations and business entities in partnership with member Governments.
  • Lead Entity: A government/quasi-government institution must be designated as lead entity with responsibility for fulfilling financial, administrative, and reporting requirements to ensure compliance with use of CC+ resources. For regional projects, the lead entity may be Regional Agencies acting in collaboration with and on behalf of project beneficiary countries.
  • Diversity and Partnerships: CC+ welcomes proposals that promote gender equity, economic opportunities and inclusion for diverse and vulnerable populations. Collaborations are encouraged, and private sector entities, non-governmental organizations (NGOs), academic institutions, associations supporting women, youth, and indigenous groups, organizations of persons with disabilities, and other civil society institutions are welcome to apply in collaboration with government partners.

Eligible Projects

  • Project Scope: Project Concepts should clearly outline the challenges and/or related opportunities to be addressed, and the proposed solutions. Interventions should be linked to supporting climate mitigation and/or adaptation actions in business, promoting green goods and services, and increasing opportunities for inclusion.
  • Excluded Activities: Projects should not include any of the List of Excluded Activities as designated by the Inter-American Development Bank (IADB) Environmental and Social Policy Framework, September 2020 ( pg: 29-30)
  • Online Application Form: Projects proposed for funding must be fully outlined in the Application Form and submitted by a government or quasi-government entity which is the designated lead entity.
  • Possible Areas of Focus (Included as Examples Only)

A few examples of projects are listed below and a more detailed list is included in the downloadable Guidelines Document.

  • Developing or enhancing legal frameworks for climate-smart business practices.
  • Developing/updating policies and regulations including those linked to climate and environmental management, supporting inclusive food systems, biodiversity-driven sectors, and incentivizing nature-based / nature-positive economic sectors.
  • Initiatives to promote decarbonization and achievement of green certifications and standards.
  • Employment and higher education policies which promote development of competitive green skills.
  • Development or enhancement of public procurement systems and processes, including to integrate technology and create enabling conditions for procuring green innovations.
  • Private sector collaboration and incentivizing through monitoring, verification and reporting (MRV) systems, incorporating specific indicators to track private sector climate actions.
  • Establishing pathways for private sector participation in global green and blue carbon markets.
  • Building institutional capacity for gender-responsive and inclusive policy design and implementation.

Evaluation Criteria

Proposals are expected to outline a demonstrated commitment to promoting climate resilience, adaptation and mitigation measures in the private sector, through design, enhancement and/or implementation of innovative green policies, legislations, standards and guidelines that integrate considerations for gender equity and the inclusion of vulnerable populations.

Project Concepts will be evaluated according to the following criteria:

1. Relevance and Alignment (20%)
o   Alignment with CC+ Pillar 2 Criteria to support public sector initiatives, legislation policies and regulatory frameworks that incentivize private sector climate actions.
o   Alignment with Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs), National Adaptation Plans (NAPs), or other relevant national or regional climate goals and priorities.
o   Promotes environmentally and socially responsible business practices that integrate considerations for gender equity and vulnerable populations.
o   Clear focus on promoting/enabling climate resilience and advancing climate change adaptation and mitigation measures with direct private sector benefits.
2. Innovation and Impact (20%)
o   Additionality (Added Value, Impact and Benefits) created by this intervention.
o   Introduction or expansion of novel or transformative solutions that have the potential to create significant climate change benefits.
o   Size of expected impact on businesses.
o   Size of expected impact on the Country.
3.Feasibility and Sustainability (25%)
o   Clarity and feasibility of the proposed implementation project with clear identification of Risks and Mitigation Strategies
o   Effective use of existing resources, infrastructure, partnerships, or co-financing to maximize the project’s impact
o   Evidence of plans for long-term sustainability of project outcomes and to scale the results achieved once the CC+ project ends.
4.Execution Arrangements and Institutional Capacity (20%)
o   Evidence of public sector interest  and leadership in the project/solution.
o  Demonstrated capacity of the lead entity to implement the project with adequate human, financial and other resources, and any project partners identified.
o  KPI’s are clearly outlined and strategies and needs identified to guarantee success and ensure relevant stakeholder engagement and benefits.
5.Gender and Social Inclusion (15%)
o  Clear inclusion of gender considerations in project design, implementation and outcomes.
o   Evidence of efforts to benefit marginalized or underserved groups including women, youth, indigenous and rural communities and those including those severely impacted by climate change.

What Are The Awards?

  1. Technical Assistance: Selected project concepts will receive support from a professional consultant/firm to refine and develop the Project Concept into a comprehensive Project Proposal, as needed. This process will ensure that project activities are validated with project partners and that the proposal is elaborated in sufficient detail to meet the requirements of the CC+/IDB project approval process.
  2. Grant awards: Non-reimbursable technical assistance of up to US$200,000 (up to 80% of the total proposed project budget) will be provided subject to the below Award Conditions.

* Counterpart Contributions: The lead agency/project partners are expected to contribute at least 20% of the total proposed project budget (in cash and/or in-kind). Examples include staff time, equipment, facilities, or other operational costs directly tied to the implementation of the project.

** Award Conditions: CC+, in collaboration with Country focal points, IDB Specialists and/or Regional Development Partners, will shortlist up to three (3) projects per country, from which one (1) will be selected for funding, Funds will be awarded to selected projects, subject to the following conditions:

a) The project is submitted and led by a Public Sector Entity/ Quasi Government Agency and recommended for funding by the respective Government via a Letter of Request. Regional projects should be recommended for funding by two or more Caribbean Countries that are included as direct beneficiaries. A Letter of Request should be received from each Country (i.e. the relevant Government/ Quasi-Government) entity respectively.

b) The project has a clear focus on strengthening governance, is aligned with promoting climate adaptation, mitigation, and/or resilience building actions in the private sector, and integrates an element of fostering gender equity, diversity and social inclusion.

c) In the case of beneficiary executed projects, a legal agreement to use CC+/IDB funding and counterpart resources towards the implementation of the selected project must be signed by all relevant parties. Note that the IDB/CC+ may stipulate additional requirements, prior to disbursement of funds.



Phase I – Project Concept Submission
After submitting your application online, an IDB team of project specialists will review, analyse, and shortlist up to three (3) project concepts per country against the evaluation criteria, one of which will receive financing after discussion with government authorities. Regional projects including two or more eligible countries will be considered in a separate category.

Phase II – Project Proposal Development
CC+, in collaboration with Country focal points, IDB Specialists and/or Regional Development Partners, will select one (1) project for funding. Following the selection, and if required, a consultant or consulting firm will be engaged to assist in developing a comprehensive project proposal for submission to the IDB’s project approval process. This process is expected to take approximately three (3) months, though the timeline may vary depending on the maturity of the project concept and other factors. The lead entity and project partners are expected to actively participate and collaborate closely with the selected consultant or firm throughout the proposal development phase.

Phase III – Project Implementation
Final approval is subject to CC+ and IDB’s internal procedures. Implementation of approved projects is expected to begin in Q4 2025. Project execution will be planned for a period of up to 36 months.

Notice as to Disclaimers and Reservation of Rights

  • The IDB reserves the right to eliminate participants at any part of the process and this decision shall be final and binding. 
  • The IDB may decide to not select an applicant if the submissions did not meet the requirements or did not have sufficient quality. 
  • The IDB may search for publicly available information regarding participants and may seek to verify details referenced in the application. 
  • The IDB reserves the right to cancel the competition at any time. 
  • All decisions of the IDB are final and binding, with no process for appeal. 
  • Participants that submit content that is offensive, illegal, etc. and those that disparage the Bank or other sponsors will be eliminated.
  • IDB will not consider participants who are ineligible to participate in Bank projects or contracting under its sanctions protocol. 
  • IDB reserves the right to disseminate and share the identity of the applicants and any other information deemed relevant. 
  • These terms and conditions may be updated at any time and will be made available to all participants online.



  • Launch of Call: Jan. 14, 2025
  • Information Session: Jan. 14, 2025
  • Individual Country Engagements: Jan. 15-31, 2025
  • Application Clinic: Feb. 12, 2025
  • Deadline to submit Project Concepts: Feb. 28, 2025
  • Expected announcement of selected Project Concepts: Mar. 31, 2025
  • Technical Assistance for Project Proposal Development: Apr. – Jun. 2025
  • Approval of Projects and Kick Off: September – Dec. 2025

(*) Countries can reach out to the CC+ team for support and guidance before Feb 21, 2025




  1. What is the purpose of this Call for Projects?
    The purpose of the call is to identify and support initiatives that enhance government and regulatory capabilities to foster climate-smart and gender-responsive business practices in the Caribbean. Through this call, CC+ will provide Technical Assistance to address regulatory and institutional capacity bottlenecks that affect private sector competitiveness, strengthen public governance, and foster climate resilience and inclusive growth in Caribbean businesses.

At the minimum, 13 projects will be selected for financing (one per eligible country), plus an indeterminate amount of regional proposals. has context menu.

  1. Who is eligible to apply?
    Eligible applicants include public sector entities such as government ministries, agencies, statutory bodies and regional organizations within participating Caribbean countries. Applicants must demonstrate alignment with the call’s objectives and the capacity to manage and execute the proposed initiatives.
  2. What is the maximum grant amount available per project?
    The maximum grant amount for national projects is US$200,000 per project. Regional projects may propose a larger budget proportional to the activities proposed, which will be verified during project design. However, CC+ reserves the right to adjust the amount approved based on resource availability and the scope of the proposed activities.
  3. What types of projects are eligible?
    Projects must align with the Call objectives, which include inter-alia:
  • Developing or enhancing climate-related policies, standards, and action plans.
  • Supporting the adoption of green standards in Caribbean businesses
  • Promoting the blue, green or circular economies
  • Supporting Caribbean businesses or economic sectors in mitigation, adaptation or resilience to climate change
  • Promoting climate-smart innovations and solutions.
  • Developing/strengthening public-private partnerships for climate-smart innovations.
  • Regulatory frameworks for green procurement.
  • Building capacity for gender-inclusive climate governance.
  • Promoting resource efficiency and circular economy practices in Caribbean firms.
  • Empowering policymakers to implement socially inclusive climate governance mechanisms that have an impact on the competitiveness of Caribbean firms.
  1. Can multiple entities collaborate on a single project?
    Yes, partnerships are encouraged among public sector entities, private sector organizations, academic institutions, or civil society groups. The lead applicant must be a public sector entity. Projects should clearly define the roles and contributions of each partner to achieve project goals.
  2. Can projects target specific sectors or industries?
    Yes, projects can focus on specific sectors including agriculture, energy, tourism, fisheries, manufacturing, and finance, among others, as long as they align with the Call objectives.
  3. Can projects address regional or multi-country challenges?
    Yes, projects that address regional challenges or involve collaboration between multiple countries are encouraged, provided they align with the objectives of the Call for Projects and demonstrate measurable benefits across participating nations. For projects in multiple countries, a letter of request must be received from the government of each participating country.
  4. Is co-financing mandatory for all projects?
    While cash co-financing is not mandatory, proposals that leverage additional resources or partnerships are strongly encouraged. This can include financial contributions, in-kind support, or partnerships that amplify the project’s impact.
  5. What types of expenses are eligible for funding?
    Eligible expenses include technical consultancy fees for policy development and regulatory reform, capacity-building activities, technology procurement, research such as baseline studies and market assessments to identify opportunities for climate action etc. Projects may include feasibility studies, action plan development, stakeholder engagement, and the creation of monitoring, reporting, and verification systems. Technical Assistance also encompasses digital and technological solutions like climate data systems and innovative tools, fostering public-private partnerships and regional/inter-governmental collaboration. Expenditures must comply with IDB guidelines and reflect cost-effectiveness. Operating/management costs and capital goods costs are typically not eligible for financing.
  6. Can previous or existing projects apply for additional funding?
    Past and current projects funded by Compete Caribbean may apply for funding to expand/enhance activities, provided they align with the Call’s objectives and demonstrate incremental benefits.
  7. Will CC+ provide guidance during the application process?
    Yes, CC+ will host online information sessions and provide downloadable guidelines. Applicants can also contact the program team for additional support at [Insert Contact Information].
  8. How will projects be evaluated?
    Projects will be assessed against the Evaluation Criteria specified in the Guidelines Document. This includes relevance and alignment, innovation and impact, feasibility and sustainability, capacity and collaboration, and gender and social inclusion. Only projects scoring 75 points or higher will be considered for funding. The evaluation panel will consist of IDB specialists and a representative from the IDB country office, as applicable. The evaluation panel may also reach out to national government representatives to verify the priority of the area of interest captured in the project concept.
  1. What are the expectations for counterpart contributions?
    Applicants are expected to demonstrate counterpart commitments of 20% of the project cost, which may include financial contributions, in-kind resources, staff allocation, or leveraging new or existing partnerships to support project implementation.
  2. What is the application process?
    Applicants must complete the Online Application Form, download and submit the required Appendices, as well as a Letter of Request from the Government and Letter of Commitment from the lead agency detailing counterpart resources and partnerships.
  3. When is the submission deadline and what happens after submission?
    The submission deadline is February 28, 2025. After submission, applications will undergo:
  • An initial eligibility screening.
  • A detailed evaluation based on selection criteria.
    Shortlisted applicants will be notified and may be required to provide additional information or participate in an interview.
  1. Can we submit more than one proposal?
    Yes, entities can submit multiple proposals, but each proposal will be evaluated independently. Ensure that each project aligns with the eligibility and selection criteria. An entity can submit a national level project and participate in a regional project as well.
  1. What is the timeline for project implementation?
    Projects are expected to be implemented within 36 months with progress reports submitted at regular intervals.
  2. Where can I find additional guidance on preparing my application?
    Applicants can refer to the downloadable Guidelines Document, which provides detailed information on project eligibility, evaluation criteria, and submission requirements. Information sessions will also be hosted online.
  3. Who can I contact for further information?
    For questions or clarifications, please contact or attend one of our scheduled information sessions.
  4. What happens if my proposal is not shortlisted?
    Applicants whose proposals are not shortlisted will receive notification.




  • Launch of Call: Jan. 14, 2025
  • Information Session: Jan. 14, 2025
  • Individual Country Engagements: Jan. 15-31, 2025
  • Application Clinic: Feb. 12, 2025
  • Deadline to submit Project Concepts: Feb. 28, 2025
  • Expected announcement of selected Project Concepts: Mar. 31, 2025
  • Technical Assistance for Project Proposal Development: Apr. – Jun. 2025
  • Approval of Projects and Kick Off: September – Dec. 2025

(*) Countries can reach out to the CC+ team for support and guidance before Feb 21, 2025


How To Apply

How To Apply

  1. Complete the Online Form:

Download, complete, and upload these required documents via the application form:

*Regional projects should be recommended for funding by two or more Caribbean Countries that are included as direct beneficiaries. A Letter of Request should be received from each Country (i.e. the relevant Government/ Quasi-Government) entity respectively. For regional projects, the lead entity may be Regional Agencies acting in collaboration with and on behalf of project beneficiary countries.

Optional attachments to upload include any supporting documents, such as:

  • Organizational profiles
  • Letters of commitment from partners
  • Technical studies, Reports, Publications etc.

Deadline for Submission: February 28th, 2025


  • Launch of Call: Jan. 14, 2025
  • Information Session: Jan. 14, 2025
  • Individual Country Engagements: Jan. 15-31, 2025
  • Application Clinic: Feb. 12, 2025
  • Deadline to submit Project Concepts: Feb. 28, 2025
  • Expected announcement of selected Project Concepts: Mar. 31, 2025
  • Technical Assistance for Project Proposal Development: Apr. – Jun. 2025
  • Approval of Projects and Kick Off: September – Dec. 2025

(*) Countries can reach out to the CC+ team for support and guidance before Feb 21, 2025


Additional Resources

Important Definitions

Key Definitions & Terms

 Gain clarity and consistency in understanding key terms with the Common Definitions and Terminology Handout. This document includes common definitions and terms from the climate change field and lexicon. It also provides clear definitions of concepts, terms, and phrases used throughout the Call for Projects. It is designed as a guide to ensure Applicants have a shared understanding of the language and requirements of the program, supporting accurate and comprehensive submissions.


 Examples of Potential Projects 

 Explore practical inspiration for your proposal with the Project Ideas and Examples Handout. This guide lists project ideas and provides illustrative examples of initiatives that align with the objectives of this Call for Projects, offering insights into potential project concepts across various sectors and themes. Use this resource to spark ideas and ensure your project aligns with programme goals.



  • Launch of Call: Jan. 14, 2025
  • Information Session: Jan. 14, 2025
  • Individual Country Engagements: Jan. 15-31, 2025
  • Application Clinic: Feb. 12, 2025
  • Deadline to submit Project Concepts: Feb. 28, 2025
  • Expected announcement of selected Project Concepts: Mar. 31, 2025
  • Technical Assistance for Project Proposal Development: Apr. – Jun. 2025
  • Approval of Projects and Kick Off: September – Dec. 2025

(*) Countries can reach out to the CC+ team for support and guidance before Feb 21, 2025


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