Business Climate Reform Projects

Strengthening the Caribbean’s Participation in the VI Americas Competitiveness Forum

This technical cooperation is to foster public-private dialogue on issues of innovation and competitiveness through participation at the VI Americas Competitiveness Forum. In facilitating the participation of public and private sector stakeholders from the Caribbean, the main benefit of the project will be (i) the stimulation or enhancement of public-private dialogue processes and (ii) stimulation […]

Strengthening the Caribbean’s Participation in the VI Americas Competitiveness Forum Read More »

II Roundtable on Identifying Constraints to Competitiveness in the Caribbean

This project will coordinate and support a regional public-private dialogue in the Dominican Republic on the opportunities for trade and investment between Latin America and the Caribbean. The main impact that the project expects to achieve is increased dialogue on private sector issues and competitiveness among regional stakeholders and consensus among policy makers on the

II Roundtable on Identifying Constraints to Competitiveness in the Caribbean Read More »

Roundtable on Private-Public Dialogue in the Caribbean

This project is designed to coordinate and execute a roundtable for a Caribbean delegation to share private sector development experiences and identify areas for greater public-private collaboration with regards to enhancing competitiveness. The main impact that the project expects to achieve is increased dialogue on private sector issues and competitiveness among regional stakeholders and consensus

Roundtable on Private-Public Dialogue in the Caribbean Read More »

Regional Consultation of Priorities to Foster Private Sector Development in the Caribbean

This project is to coordinate and execute a roundtable for a Caribbean delegation to share private sector development experiences and identify areas for greater collaboration with regards to enhancing competitiveness. The main impact of the project is an increase in dialogues on private sector issues and competitiveness among regional stakeholders and consensus among policy makers

Regional Consultation of Priorities to Foster Private Sector Development in the Caribbean Read More »

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